En el primer tráiler del largometraje, ya disponible al público, se puede observar a un joven YVES SAINT LAURENT (1936-2008) interpretado por Pierre Niney estrenándose como director creativo en la maison CHRISTIAN DIOR , y que ya comienza a vislumbrar su tormentosa relación con el alcohol y las drogas.
El biopic, en el que le acompañan actrices como Laura Smet,
Marie de Villepin y Charlotte Le Bon encarnando a algunas de sus musas,
también incide en la relación con su pareja y socio Pierre Bergé,
retratando la agridulce trayectoria de su existencia desde los primeros
años en Dior (en el año 1957) hasta uno de sus desfiles más
espectaculares y rememorados, el Ballet Russes de 1976. Desde
los 150 cigarrillos diarios que según Bergé ingería, hasta su pasmosa
creatividad para tornar un desgarro de tela en el lazo perfecto para un
vestido de cocktail. Desde el nuevo esmóquin para mujeres hasta el día en que se
desnudó para la cámara.
In the first trailer of the film, now available to the public, you can see a young YVES SAINT LAURENT (1936-2008) played by Pierre Niney debuting as creative director at the maison CHRISTIAN DIOR, and already beginning to see his stormy relationship with alcohol and drugs.The biopic, which will accompany actresses like Laura Smet, Marie de Villepin and Charlotte Le Bon embodying some of his muses, also affects the relationship with your partner and partner Pierre Bergé, portraying the bittersweet history of its existence since the early Dior years (in 1957) to one of its most spectacular and retraced the Ballet Russes 1976 runway. From 150 cigarettes per day according Bergé until his astonishing creativity to turn a tear in the fabric perfect tie for a cocktail dress. From the new tuxedo for women until the day that he stripped for the camera.
In the first trailer of the film, now available to the public, you can see a young YVES SAINT LAURENT (1936-2008) played by Pierre Niney debuting as creative director at the maison CHRISTIAN DIOR, and already beginning to see his stormy relationship with alcohol and drugs.The biopic, which will accompany actresses like Laura Smet, Marie de Villepin and Charlotte Le Bon embodying some of his muses, also affects the relationship with your partner and partner Pierre Bergé, portraying the bittersweet history of its existence since the early Dior years (in 1957) to one of its most spectacular and retraced the Ballet Russes 1976 runway. From 150 cigarettes per day according Bergé until his astonishing creativity to turn a tear in the fabric perfect tie for a cocktail dress. From the new tuxedo for women until the day that he stripped for the camera.
se inspiró en el Pop Art, en la oleada Hippie y en influencias orientales e hizo que la moda de la calle ingresa en la Alta Costura , se estrena mundialmente el 8 de enero.
The film of the life of this genius of fashion
was inspired by the Pop Art, the hippie wave and oriental influences and made the street fashion enters the haute couture, world premiere January 8.
was inspired by the Pop Art, the hippie wave and oriental influences and made the street fashion enters the haute couture, world premiere January 8.
Aqui les dejo algunos de sus diseños mas emblematicos
No puedo espererarpara verla! Ustedes?
I can't wait to see it!
Besos! Lynn.
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